
Second Début is a member of IASA and a partner of UNESCO’s World Day for Audiovisual Heritage.
Our procedures for videocassette conversion to digital follow international guidelines for archival preservation
Your own videotapes also belong to our collective history. They must be converted to digital, ASAP.


Expert, On Site Services
1- In addition to digitization services, we offer archival and digital asset management (DAM) expertise to museums, libraries and historical societies.
2- Upon request, we bring our digitizing services TO YOUR LOCATION when collections need to remain on premises.
3- As part of our Extended Service, we assist in rotating and duplicating audiovisual collections as digital formats change.


Archival Strategy Built for Longevity

We recommend a 3-step approach to safekeeping:
First, digitize and copy the Masters to Blu-Ray using M-Disc, the most robust archival-grade medium. Contents will be safely stored for “a lifetime” Up to 128GB/disk.

Second, copy the videos to hard drives, RAID array (full redundancy), for quick access and transfers. As formats evolve, video assets can migrate to the new protocols.

Third, upload the assets to Stratustor, using the Microsoft Azure worldwide cloud. This makes your holdings instantly accessible to your staff and to the public if required.
